Picture this with me if you will. A small country church in Cleveland, Tx. It's probably around 9:00 p.m. and the youth group is up at the church decorating the fellowship hall for the upcoming Christmas Banquet. Bro. and Sis. Dempsey are both there to supervise and Bro. Dempsey has come straight to the church from having worked all day. And so our scene begins ...
Bro. Dempsey since he was extremely tired from work was being a crank. Grumpy and ready to go home he knew that we needed to get the decorating finished so he just decided to stick it out.
Well I myself wasn't exactly in a good mood either (though for the life of me I cannot remember why). So most people were doing their best to stay out of our ways. That is until we got in each other's ways.
I'm not exactly sure what started it , but I do remember throwing a Hershey Kiss at his head. It hit him right on his temple. The funny part was it left the bright red mark that was in the exact shape of a Hershey Kiss. He wasn't happy with me by any means (in fact was rather upset) but still couldn't help but laugh when we told him about the red spot in the shape of a Hershey Kiss.
Some bantering went on back and forth through out the night when finally he was getting on my last nerve because he was being such a grump. He decided to announce that he'd be back in a minute and that he had to go the bathroom. Without hesitation or even thinking about It I shot back with "Fine! I hope everything comes out okay!". He stopped turned and looked at me with utter shock on his face and then just continued on to the bathroom because he didn't know what to say.
As soon as he was out of earshot Sis. Dempsey busted out laughing and congratulated me on my comeback. I busted out laughing too partially from pure shock at what I had just said and partially because of his reaction. Though I'm not sure why I was so shocked. Moments like those seemed to happen all the time w/ me and the Dempsey's.
He later apologized to all of us for being such a grump and we laughed about this story later on.
I realize this story makes me seem like a bratty teenager (which I guess I was being one) but it honestly describes my relationship with Bro. Dempsey. He wasn't just my youth my youth pastor; just my best friends father; just my second father; but he was my youth pastor, best friends father, and my second father (and so much more). Anyone who truly knew this man knows it's so hard to fully find the words to describe him. If you were so much as blessed to just have met him then you were blessed more than you know. I will never forget this man and the lessons he taught me. The impact he made upon my life (and so many others) will never be forgotten.
In closing I leave you with one of his most famous quotes (which I'm sure he picked up from somewhere lol) "You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you cannot pick your friend's nose"