
Thursday, September 22, 2011

You Have the right to Remain Silent

       Have you ever been a room crowded wall to wall with people and to top it off there are a million voices (or so it seems) that seem to be speaking. Feeling overwhelemed you pull into yourself and instead of trying to be heard instead of trying to make sense of all the madness you become quiet and quickly look for the nearest exit.

       Sometimes I imagine that's what it feels like to try and minister to those around us. People coming and going constantly; constantly speaking and trying to be heard. We often feel overwhlemed and frightened. Wondering how our voice is supposed to make a difference amongst all those screaming things such as "freedom of religion", " World peace", " Alternative lifestyle is's a choice", "Abortion isn't taking away life's maintaining life". How is our simple message "Jesus loves you. 1 faith, 1 Lord, 1 baptism" supposed to make a difference ?

      Can we really afford to not find out what that "simple" message means though. Because what we don't see while we're feeling overwhelemed and looking for the nearest "exit" there are others watching us to see what we're going to do. What our next move is. Maybe we can't reach the etire world by ourselves as individuals. But if we can reach but one person. That's one soul; one child of God.

    The faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed can move mountains ... think about what faith bigger than that can do .

Just a thought.