"Were we close friends? No. Did we talk ? Rarely.
So why am I so upset? Why do I feel like a piece of myself is missing?
Wednesday I found out that a young man I went to IBC with passed away from a car wreck.
We weren't really close and honestly never hung out. Yet I find myself deeply saddened. I also find myself more aware of the people I see/saw everyday and yet have never said more than two words to them. When did this become okay? Why do we believe others have to be the first to make any sort of contact with us before we return the favor?
Chase always seemed to have a smile upon his face and a pretty amazing voice."
I never did finish writing this (as you can see). Honestly I was unsure how to.
Today marks the 1 yr. anniversary of Chase's death. This young man (though we never really hung out let alone talked) made one of the biggest impacts on my life that anyone ever has.
I remember the day that I officially met him ... we had actually been going to school together for a few months at this point. I went out with a group of people and he ended up being in that group as well. I decided I should probably go ahead and introduce myself to him even though I saw him nearly every day. I did it. We said our names and shook hands. Then that same group went back to IBC and played a game . And that was it. That was my 1 and only time that I both met and hung out with Chase. Sadly that night continues to play in my mind. Why? I'm not really sure. I guess because it's the only major connection I have to him. Which saddens me. I went to school with him and I feel like I should have more of a memory of him other than that 1 and only time we hung out, his amazing smile, and his great voice (especially singing "Lord Your Mighty).
Chase's death made me realize a few things though. One being why in the world do we take time granted? Sometimes we get in the mind set that we have all the time in the world to do whatever we want. But we don't. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow, let alone our next breath. Not only do I mean that in the sense that his life was short lived , but also that I myself took time for granted. I had all that time meet him and possibly even become friends with. But did I do it? No. I waited until it was nearly too late to do so.
I also realized (through a few other events as well) how much of a family we become at IBC. Not only did my heart ache for the classmate who passed away, not only did I hit my knees praying for his family, but I also found myself longing to be there with my IBC family (which also included members of his family). All I wanted to do was to be there to comfort them. Because when one person aches we all ache.
The post I started above not only was I unsure how to end it but I was also afraid to post it as well . Why? Because as you can see I didn't know Chase. Not really anyways. I didn't want it to seem like I was talking about something I didn't know/understand. But a yr. later - quietly sitting in my room and typing up this blog I find myself tearing up. Why? Because , though we didn't truly know each other he was apart of my family and I still the effects has upon ppl as well was the impacts he continuely makes upon ppls lives today.
I want to take a moment and honor the family of Chase as well. I know it's been a tough year for them but their strength and continual faith in God has impacted me greatly. I won't pretend that I know how they feel or that I know what they're going through, because truth is I don't. I have experienced loss, great losses at that. But nothing quite this close to home. They are great examples and are continually on my prayer list.
I once again find myself with a blog I'm unsure how to end but this time I will actually post it ... the best way I can think to do so is to post the lyrics of the verse he sang (w/ Sarah) on "Lord You're Mighty"
"Oh Lord how excellent is Your name in all the earth.
You set Your glory above the heavens and the earth.
When I think of all You've made, the sun, the moon and the stars.
No praise is high enough to express how great You are."