So Sunday I had to teach a lesson at Jesus House. I had been praying about it and decided to teach on Joshua and the battle of Jericho (which is my fave. Bible Story). I went through the motions of explaining the story and trying to stay somewhat animated so as to keep the kids attention.
I have always enjoyed this story and the older I have gotten the more I have learned to appreciate it. When I first realized I loved the story I couldn't figure out why it meant so much to me until one day it hit me that it was a story of promises, commitment, and how even after you've obtained it all it takes is something as simple as taking of the "accursed things" to destroy it all .
I have learned (and am continuing to learn) that God has promises for us out there. Sometimes we just have to shut up and continue doing what he has called us to do, and in the end we will obtain our promises.
I have also learned though that even after we have obtained his promises it's not something we can take for granted. If we let "accrursed things" into our lives it can not only destroy us but everything/everyone around us. Because Achan couldn't keep his hands/eyes to himself and took of the accursed things, the children of Isreal lost the battle at Ai (the first time that is). God's blessing wasn't upon them any longer. It wasn't until God had revealed it to Joshua, that Joshua had found out why God's blessing had been taken off of them. It also wasn't until they rid of Achan and the the things he had taken that they were able to conquer AI.
Sometimes we feel that if we can hide the sins in our lives or whatnot that it won't hurt anyone. As the saying goes "What they don't know won't hurt them." But in the end our sins will always find us out. Maybe not today, maybe not even tomorrow...but in the end they always will. It's not until we rid ourselves of these accursed things/sin that we will truly be able to obtain God's blessings again.
Some of this didn't truly hit me until I was infront of all of those kids telling this story. I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of some of these concepts before. But I thank God for both pointing it out to me and also allowing me to teach it to the kids. It has become a great blessing to me. I guess it's kinda like when a preacher says "I'm preaching to myself too", sometimes you end up teaching yourself a thing or 2 even when you're teaching others.
- Aundreya :)
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