
Sunday, May 2, 2010


So I had a few random thoughts and though I should being studying for finals I feel as if I don't get those thoughts outta my head then I'll never be able to start here it goes

Thought #1: You know the saying "Can't teach an old dog new tricks" ? Well it was on my mind the other day and the thought hit me . What if the "old dog" this quote is refering to is actaully talking about a stubborn and/or lazy  old dog. Because I've met some "old dogs" in my life and well... they're more apt to learning "new tricks" then even some of "younger dogs". So I think the inventor of this quote was mislead

Thought #2: Things you have been taught through out the yrs. really can and do stick w/ you through out your life. Tonight in church they sang a song that I had learned a good 5 or 6 yrs. as a choir song for youth camp and when it came to a certin part of the song that the camp choir director had REALLY worked w/ us on , I found myself tonight singing it the way she had taught us. I giggled at myself.

Thought #3: Sometimes the simplest thoughts are actually not as "simple" as we think they are. We just hear them so often that we get bored w/ them. When in reality they are very prfound. Just like "God is love" ... yeah we hear it every day and it's simple, yet try REALLY thinking about. AMAZING!

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