
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Generations before and after us

      I was surfing the net today and came across this icon (the one above) and I rolled my eyes a bit at the rebellion that comes along with this statement but sighed to myself because for some , sadly, it is true in many ways.
     We don't really have control of how our authority figures in life raise us. Good or bad many times it is out of our control. But that does not always give us an excuse to act the way we do.

     We often hear the saying "You are a product of your raising" and this is very true, we are. How we are raised as a child will affect us our entire lives . However, there is such a thing as the age of accountability.

    Though some people think the "age of accountability" only refers to when you're an "adult" and only then are you responsible for yourself. I personally do not percieve that to be true. I think on the contrary the age of accountability comes into play when you know the differences between good and bad, right and wrong, truths and lies. And that is something most of us are taught at a fairly young age.

     Many things happen in our lives that are out of our control, and sometimes, out of the authority figures in lives control as well. These events/things can truly alter everything about us and often do. Many times we aren't in control of and/or responsible for the way these events alter our lives.We are however responsible for ourselves when/if we choose to remain the way we are. If the way we are and how we act aren't what seems to be up to par and we are aware of this then why aren't we ourselves striving to change or at least willing to try to do so.

      If you are full of anger, rebellion, hurt, depression, etc. and are aware of it and you for whatever reason do not try to change it then you can no longer blame others for how you are. You are then responsible for yourself alone. You can no longer blame those around you.

    I also what to challenge everyone who seems to have the attitude towards life that this icon does , how are you going to raise the generations after us? Some of us are already parents and are no longer responsible for ourselves alone. We have now put ourselves out there with a chance to be judged by those after us by the same mindset. What kind of generation are we willing to raise up ?

   And even though some of us aren't parents yet we are still responsible for the generations after us. True the  previous generation that raised us is responsible for us, but there were generations before them that were responsible for them. It continues to be an ongoing cycle and honestly will never end until the coming of the Lord.

   So what are we going to do about this? Are we going to continue to blame everyone but ourselves for the way we are and never at least attempt to change or are we going to decide that change is within our grasp and no one but ourselves can make the desicion to change.

   Here's your chance... How will you choose to live your life?


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