
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Great Physician

   Okay, so the other day at church (Sunday morning to be exact) they had prayer for the sick and asked those who needed prayer for their bodies to come to the front to be prayed for. I didn't feel like I needed to go up considering nothing was really wrong with me , that is except for the fact that I had a cold.
   But it's just a cold no biggy, right? That's what I've always thought.I don't remember a time or age where I didn't have a cold . Now I don't catch major things like the flu that easily , but colds are easy to the extreme for me to catch (even in the middle of summer with perfect weather). Since I've always been able to catch colds like a fisherman catches fish. It's just been a way of life for me.
   I also came to the realization that I was tired and this seems to be a reoccurring thing with me. It doesn't matter how much rest I do or don't get. I never seem to get enough sleep.
   Suddenly it hit me! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Since it had become a way of life for me I never really thought about asking for healing for it. Not that I didn't think God couldn't/wouldn't do it but since I've been "sickly" for as long as I can remember it was just something that never occurred to me. Now don't ask me why it took 23 years for me to figure this out, but it did.
   I walked up to the front to get prayed for and I myself prayed for healing like I never had before. I felt God's presence surround me. Now I wasn't miraculously healed in that moment and though that would've been great I learned something very powerful in that moment.
   While I was praying I found myself speaking the words "God, even if you don't heal me you are still a healer and I thank you for being a healer just the same." These were words I didn't even know were within me to say. And then suddenly I found my mind flooded with how powerful that was as well as how amazing of a sermon it would make.
    I have since been trying to write the thought down and I think I've finally came up with a good enough rough draft of it. LOL sadly it came to me during Gospel's today , so needless to say I wasn't really paying attention during class (Sorry Bro. Brown haha). But anywho ... here's my thought :

      God is always God no matter what he does or doesn't do.

      If God doesn't heal you for whatever reason doesn't mean he's not a healer. Just because doesn't do something for us doesn't mean he's incapable of doing it and yet we feel like if he doesn't meet our needs he isn't capable of doing it. We find ourselves saying " God, you didn't provide for me when I was in need, you aren't who you really say you are."

     Why do we seem to put God on a lower standard than humans themselves ? God's ways are higher than ours. If he chooses not to do something doesn't mean he has forsaken us but indeed has greater plans beyond our knowledge and/or belief.

    If a doctor cannot cure a disease does that mean he isn't a doctor? No!

   If a bank doesn't give you money does that mean it isn't a bank? No!

   If a Mechanic cannot fix your car does that mean he isn't a mechanic? No!

   If a parent tells their child " no " or punishes them for something they did wrong does that mean they don't love their child or that they're bad parents? No!

   So why would you assume God isn't who and what he says he is ?

   Why hold humans; who aren't capable of fully doing everything within their field; to a higher standard?

    God has a choice of what he does. We serve a God of choice not possibilities (meaning He chooses to do what he does). It's not just something that he is capable of doing but something he chooses to do.

     Even if God never chose to love us, take care of us, or even forgive us - guess what ? He'd still be God.

    We don't define God ; God defines us.

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